Chris Cooney

Chris Cooney

Founder & Director

Founder and company executive director. Background in business management, sports coaching, youth work, project management, entrepreneur drive and an achiever.

Simon Oliphant

Simon Oliphant


A qualified teacher and a coaching professional with over 25 years experience. A strong passion for Starpic Project to continue and provide a positive opportunity. Simon is looking forward to the growth and being part of the future success of Starpic Project.

Ashley Davanna

Ashley Davanna

Lead Dance Teacher

A qualified dance teacher, fitness instructor and performer worldwide with a drive to manage the dance delivery for Starpic Project while providing a positive pathway for young people and a great asset to the project.

Phoenix Martin

Phoenix Martin

Team Leader

The point of contact for all within the project. An enthusiastic and passionate individual with excellent planning and organisational skills. Keen to develop and help others while contributing to the success of the project. Phoenix also contributes to the social media posting email comms for the project.



Safeguarding Officer

The project contact for all safeguarding questions and concerns.

Gabrielle Farrington

Gabrielle Farrington

Project CoOrdinator

To maintain the project high standards, manage the team, responsible to oversee the planning, delivery and evaluations. Working to ensure project compliance and legal requirements along with funding for all aspects of the project.

Victoria Dobke

Victoria Dobke

Team Leader

Victoria has a variety of ideas with enthusiasm and keen to try new things to better the project. Keen to get others involved while contributing to the success of the project. Victoria is a great team player.