Welcome to STARPIC PROJECT “a great community project for all“.
Founded in 2014 by Chris Cooney with the vision to bring activities into communities. Originally starting in a church hall, the project has grown and engages with over 95 young people weekly. We deliver activities to various age groups, working in partnership with communities, schools and other agencies throughout Edinburgh and the Lothians.
The focus is to improve achievement while making sports and activities accessible to families, removing barriers and making it accessible for all with a holistic approach. Identifying challenges within the community and school environment assists in supporting children and young people to lead healthy, active lifestyles now and in the future.
The project charity purposes are to advance citizenship and community development in the interests of social welfare with the objective of improving the conditions of life in the community while working with organisations and assist in the advancement of public participation in sport. More information can be located online at OSCR.

Starpic youth project engages with young people in a safe youth work setting, building confidence and transferable skills.

Starpic deliver various activities throughout Edinburgh as part of the ‘active schools’ programme.

Starpic dance delivers high quality coaching at all levels. Building confidence and providing a performance pathway.
The vision at STARPIC is to provide a safe space for all children and young people giving the opportunities to realise their potential, while building transferable skills for the future.
Our mission at STARPIC is to support young people while removing barriers towards creating confident individuals, successful learners and guiding towards a more positive destination while improving attendance and achievement.
We have secured funding to allow specific activities to be delivered in the greater community as part of the “Youth Project“. Funding makes this possible and allows our highly skilled team to engage with many who otherwise would not have the opportunity to gain the experience and transferable skills for the future.
Starpic Project is a (SCIO) Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation which gives us charitable status and we follow the guidance of (OSCR) which is the Scottish Charity Regulator in Scotland.